Some Great FREE Apps for Math Teachers
Snap a photo of a worksheet, handwritten notes, images, etc, and Scanner Pro will turn it into a pdf document for you; the perfect format to send to students by email or filesharing.
Just write your calculations onto the touchscreen of your phone and My Script Calculator will interpret your handwritten calculations and provide an answer just like a traditional calculator would without having to use buttons.
Add this app into your marking schedule to save you hours of time. Create multichoice cards and scan your students' responses to get an instant grade.
For you or your students to create mind maps. Particularly useful for revision sessions.
A beautiful and sophisticated graphing app.
Build up a library of online quizzes that students love to compete with online in class. There are thousands you can access that have already been created by other teachers. Students can use their own phones if computer access is a problem.
Create flashcards for your topic.
Folder your documents, scan in notes, keep a task list, get reminders and generally organize your life!
Solving Quadratic Equations Puzzle Activity
A range of differentiated quadratic equations to be solved with the quadratic formula and arranged as a puzzle.
An engaging way to have your students practice using the quadratic formula.
A few of my other resources you may like:
Multiplying Binomials by expanding brackets Bingo! activityFactoring Simple Quadratics Bingo!
Factoring Harder Quadratics Bingo! activity
Back to school first lesson warm-up math game
Factoring Quadratics coloring activity
I have a collection of free math games and resources that you are welcome to access:
Multiplying Monomials (Free Exponents Puzzle Activity)
Multiplying Exponents code breaker Activity FREEBIE
Make finding the product of monomial exponent expressions fun with this code-breaker game. Students are asked to multiply out the 15 monomials to crack the code! Ideal as homework or as a quick review activity.
The code is random to avoid your students attempting to guess a riddle rather than 'do the math'!
Make it more engaging by offering a small reward for the first student to crack the code. This makes a great spiral review activity
Download using the link below (or click on the image):
I have a collection of free math games and resources that you are welcome to access:
Simplifying Ratios Code-Breaker Puzzle
Simplifying Ratios Code-Breaker Activity
This codebreaker is one of my ratio activities.
Make simplifying ratios fun with this code-breaker game where students are asked to simplify 15 two and three-part ratios to crack a code! Ideal as a bell-ringer or review activity. Much more fun for your students than simply completing a simplifying ratios worksheet.
The code is random to avoid your students attempting to guess a riddle rather than 'do the math'!
Make it more engaging by offering a small reward for the first student to crack the code. This makes a great spiral review activity.
Download this resource here.
Download this resource here.
Free Fractions Activity
Subtracting Fractions Game (FREE)
Fraction Subtraction!
This free subtracting fractions game can be played by up to 36 students in your classroom.
GCF LCM Code-breaker worksheet FREEBIE
GCF & LCM codebreaker puzzle - FREEBIE
Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple (GCF & LCM) Activity FREEBIE
Make using find the GCF and LCM fun with this code-breaker game. Students are asked to find the GCF or LCM of two or three numbers. Ideal as a bellringer or quick review activity.
The code is random to avoid your students attempting to guess a riddle rather than 'do the math'!
Make it more engaging by offering a small reward for the first student to crack the code. This makes a great spiral review activity.
October General Knowledge Trivia Quiz
October and Halloween Quiz Game
An October Quiz that is suitable for a wide age range (years 6 to 12).
A bingo game with general knowledge quiz questions on facts about October. Great for form or tutor time.
For this activity, questions are projected on the board. You can change the order of these if you want.
Comes complete with printable unique bingo cards for up to 36 students.
Alternatively, there is a no print option where students draw their own 3 by 3 grid and choose nine numbers from the board.
If the answer to a slide is their number they cross it off. The first student who crosses off all nine numbers and calls out 'bingo!' is the winner. (For a speed version it can be the first to get a row or column). Usually, there is a small prize for the winner.
Simplifying Radicals Activity
Simplifying Radicals Codebreaker Activity
Simplifying Radicals Code Breaker Activity - FREE
Make simplifying radicals fun with this code-breaker game. Students are asked to simplify radicals to solve a code. Ideal as a bellringer or quick review activity.
The code is random to avoid your students attempting to guess a riddle rather than 'do the math'!
Make it more engaging by offering a small reward for the first student to crack the code. This makes a great spiral review activity.
Multiplying Exponents Activity
Multiplying Exponents Code-Breaker Activity
Make exponents fun with this code-breaker game where students are asked to simplify the products of exponents to solve a code. Ideal as a bellringer or quick review activity.
The code is random to avoid your students attempting to guess a riddle rather than 'do the math'!
Make it more engaging by offering a small reward for the first student to crack the code. This makes a great spiral review activity.
Recurring Decimals to Fractions Game
Recurring Fractions to Decimals Bingo! game - FREE
A free low prep bingo game where students can practice converting recurring decimals to fractions while participating in an engaging activity.
This is a great way to engage students in a spiral review activity; students love the pace and competition of the activity.
Law of Cosines Activity
Law of Cosines Free Bingo Activity
Law of Cosines Bingo! game
A low prep activity where students engage in a bingo game to solve for missing sides and angles in this cosine law geometry activity.
Questions are projected on the board using the included PowerPoint. You can change the order of these if you want.
This is a great way to engage students in a spiral review activity; students love the pace and competition of the activity. The game comes complete with printable unique bingo cards for up to 36 students.
Alternatively, there is a no print option where students draw their own 3 by 3 grid and choose nine numbers from the board.
If the answer to a slide is their number they cross it off. The first student who crosses off all nine numbers and calls out 'bingo!' is the winner. (For a speed version it can be the first to get a row or column). Usually, there is a small prize for the winner.
Pythagorean Theorem Activity
Pythagorean Theorem Bingo Activity
A low prep bingo game where students use Pythagoras' theorem to calculate missing sides in triangles and problem solve with compound shapes.
This is a great way to engage students in a spiral review activity; students love the pace and competition of the activity.
It comes complete with printable unique bingo cards for up to 36 students. Alternatively, there is a no print option where students draw their own 3 by 3 grid and choose nine numbers from the board.